swine flu symptoms in hindi

क्या आपके बच्चे को 3 दिन से ज़्यादा बुखार है? यह Swine Flu Symptoms (In Hindi) हो सकते है!

स्वाइन फ्लू एक ऐसा रोग है जो सूअर से पनपने virus की वजह से होता है| स्वाइन फ्लू के लक्षण (swine flu symptoms in hindi) आम ज़ुकाम के लक्षणों की तरह आपके बच्चे में प्रस्तुत हो सकते हैं और उनका निदान उचित समय से नहीं हो पाता|

ठीक इस ही वजह से, मोहिनी जयंती की बेटी के बिगड़ते तबियत का कारण नहीं पता लगा| मोहिनी ने एक दोस्त के सलाह से सीताराम भरतिया के डॉ.


Premature Baby Care – How Should Parents Handle Preterm Births?

Childbirth is a miraculous and nerve-wracking event – the birth of a premature baby even more so!

Typically, infants born before the 37th week of gestation are initially taken to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) for initial premature baby care, and shifted to the nursery slowly over time.

Tarun and Saloni Shekhar were worried when Saloni was deemed at high risk of preterm delivery.


Tongue Tie Treatment: Does Your Child Need Surgery?

The suspicion of tongue tie is a source of anxiety in parents. The need for tongue tie treatment is one of the reasons worried parents approach a pediatric surgeon when their infants are diagnosed with ankyloglossia (tongue tie).

Technically, tongue tie is a congenital birth condition where a short, thick band of tissue (called the lingual frenulum) tightly tethers the tongue’s tip to the floor of the mouth.


Stomach Pain in Kids: Don’t Dismiss Recurrent Stomach Aches!

Stomach pain in kids is very common. One in four children develop abdominal pain at some point between 3-18 years of age. It is one of the most common reasons why parents seek advice from a pediatric gastroenterologist.

Chronic abdominal pain is stomach ache in children that usually lasts for more than 2 months and does not respond to traditional treatments.

Celiac Disease – How Gluten Affects Your Child’s Health

Celiac disease in children is an autoimmune condition where the body is unable to tolerate a protein called gluten. This genetic condition tends to run in families, though it may have environmental causes as well.

Koyel Jain, mother of a 4-year-old girl, Maya, was worried as her child would have diarrhea occasionally and poor weight gain.

Seasonal Flu In Children – Things A Parent Should Know

Aashna Wadhwa was worried her 2-year-old son’s high fever and cough might be an indication of the flu.

“I had been reading about seasonal flu in children and I wanted to be better informed about the condition,” said Aashna.

Viraj’s condition worsened as he started having breathing difficulties and even noisy breathing at times.