Everything You Should Know About 4 Month Pregnancy

First-time parents Khushboo Rai, 27, and her husband Manish came to us during her 4 month pregnancy with urgent queries. They wanted to be well-informed and provide the best care for their growing child.

4 month pregnancy is what we call the ‘honeymoon period’ of gestation,” said Dr. Namrita Gurpal Singh Sandhu, Consultant Obstetrician at Sitaram Bhartia.

Khushboo was intrigued and posed some questions to the doctor.

What are the symptoms of 4 month pregnancy?

4 month pregnancy marks the beginning of the 2nd trimester so the pregnancy completely stabilizes by now.”

“Don’t worry if your initial first trimester symptoms haven’t settled down by 4 month pregnancy. It might take another 3-4 weeks for some mothers.”

At 4 month pregnant, symptoms like nausea, loss of appetite and fatigue are mostly gone.

Dr. Namrita Gurpal Singh Sandhu reassured Khushboo these symptoms were normal for a 4 month pregnancy

    • Vomiting and appetite loss fades: As a result, your body’s energy levels and hunger pangs increase
    • Changes in breasts: Growth in size and darkening around the nipple area occurs
    • Tenderness in breasts: You might feel tingling sensations or even some breast pain
    • Skin pigmentation or darkening
    • Stretch marks: As the belly and breasts enlarge, stretch marks start to appear, along with a dark line running from belly button to pubic hair called linea nigra
    • Weight gain: You might gain some weight in this trimester that you might have lost in the first trimester due to vomiting

Can you feel the baby move at 4 months?

Most women begin feeling baby movements around 18-20 weeks of gestation. Second-time mothers are often able to sense them earlier around the 16th week.

As a first-time mother who was 4 months pregnant, baby movement was a key concern for Khushboo.

Khushboo was quickly reassured – “First-time mothers often confuse the fluttering sensations of their baby moving as gas in their bellies! Worry not, this confusion is normal.”

Baby movements become more obvious as the pregnancy progresses.

Partner’s Role In 4 Month Pregnancy

Manish was eager to play an active role in Khushboo’s 4 month pregnancy care and asked for some pregnancy care tips –

  • Supporting a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy
    “Encouraging the mother to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet is very important.”Manish was asked to accompany her for walks and join her in eating right during pregnancy.The Women Health Educator at Sitaram Bhartia Hospital, Delhi also helped the couple plan a pregnancy diet chart.“Also ensure your partner is well-rested and follows a proper sleep cycle during her pregnancy,” counseled Dr. Namrita Gurpal Singh Sandhu to the husband.
  • Accompany to routine checkups
    Manish was encouraged to keep accompanying his wife to the doctor’s appointments where he can ask questions and gather information to be better prepared for the delivery.
  • Creating a loving support system
    Providing the love, care and patience as her partner helps make the pregnancy journey positive and less stressful!“Understanding that your wife is going through a physical and emotional change during the pregnancy is vital.”

How big is a 4 month old fetus?

Around 17 weeks of gestation, the fetus is around 13 cm from crown to rump (head to bottom) and 140 grams in weight.

4 months pregnant fetus

What are the important 4 month pregnancy tests?

Khushboo was advised to get the following scans and investigations done on time –

      1. The quadruple marker (quad screen) or triple marker tests – These are screening tests that assess for the probability of common chromosomal anomalies in the baby like Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, or Patau syndrome.“If you haven’t gotten the nuchal translucency scan and double marker test during your 3 month pregnancy, you will be advised to get the quad screen between 15-20 weeks of gestation.”
      2. Level 2 ultrasound – This is another important scan due for the expecting mother at 18-20 weeks.“Also called the anomaly scan, it looks for any kind of structural anomalies in the baby’s major organs or limbs (kidney, spine, etc).” Even minor defects like cleft lip (cut in baby’s upper lip) can be detected at this time.
      3. Other basic investigations – You should have your basic blood tests like blood group, thyroid function, blood sugars, viral markers, haemoglobin, and other investigations checked by 4 month pregnancy.

Satisfied with her consultation, Khushboo felt much more confident about navigating her 4 month pregnancy.

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Namrita Gurpal Singh Sandhu

MBBS, Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh, India (2005) DNB, National Board of Examinations (2012), ­­­­MRCOG (Part One), Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2015), Diploma in Gynecological Laproscopy, Hysteroscopy and Urogynecology, Kiehls school, Germany (2019)

Experience: 10+ years


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