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Welcome to Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research

Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research is a multi-specialty hospital located in New Delhi’s Qutab Institutional Area. We have a strong emphasis on ethical medical practice that always puts the interest of the patient first.

Covid-19: Frequently Asked Questions

Can I come to Sitaram Bhartia to get tested for Coronavirus?

We are not offering the Covid-19 test as yet.

Is Sitaram Bhartia treating patients with Covid-19?

No. Patients with Covid-19 are only being treated at hospitals deisgnated by the government.

Can I get emergency care?

Yes. If you have a medical emergency of any kind, please go straight to our Emergency department. You may call us at 011 4290 9090 for any queries. You can also visit our Emergency section for more information.

Do you have an ambulance?

Yes. Our ambulance is equipped with adult and neonatal advanced life support. Please call us at 011 4290 9090 for any queries. You can visit our Emergency section for more information.

Is it safe for me to deliver at Sitaram Bhartia at this time?

Yes. You can be assured that patients with flu-like symptoms are being treated in a separate area of the hospital. We have taken several measures to keep you and your baby safe.

Can I be admitted at Sitaram Bhartia if I think I have Covid-19?


Can I see a doctor in the OPD?

At this time all routine OPDs have been suspended. You can consult our doctors over video if you are unwell.

What specialties are available for teleconsulting?

We are currently offering video consultations for selected specialities such as:

  • Endocrinology
  • General Surgery
  • Internal Medicine
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Orthopedics
  • Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Super Specialities

For details regarding telemedicine, please visit this page.

Will I be safe in the hospital?

Yes. We have taken several measures to keep you safe in the hospital. These include:

  • Screening patients with fever and respiratory symptoms and referring those with history or symptoms suggestive of coronavirus to designated hospitals in Delhi.
  • Treating patients with flu like symptoms in a ‘flu corner’ which is a separate area in the hospital.
  • Conducting pre-shift and pre-entry screenings for all employees
  • Ensuring a distance of 1 meter between patients in the waiting area and in queues
  • Using disinfectant to sanitize OPD rooms and equipment every 2 hours
  • Wearing masks and other protective gear
  • Providing hand sanitizers throughout the hospital to encourage hand hygiene
  • Creating 10 isolation rooms for patients with respiratory illness
  • Daily training to ensure preparedness of all staff
  • Providing sick leave to any staff member with signs of infection
  • Allowing no visitors in the premises

Can I get my child vaccinated if the vaccination is due?

We are deferring all routine vaccinations till after the lockdown. In case there is any urgency regarding the same, please consult your doctor through a video consultation.

Where can I find more information regarding Covid-19?

You can check out our page on Covid-19 for information on precautions, the effect of the novel coronavirus on pregnancy, children and more.

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Featured Specialties



Our urologists strive to provide the best treatment and guidance to patients dealing with problems in their urinary tract including kidneys, ureters, bladder and the urethra.

General Surgery

general surgery header

Our highly-skilled surgeons with years of experience come together with high-end facilities to give optimum treatment. Our surgeons believe in taking the time to explain your condition to you and answering any doubts you may have.

Obstetrics and Gynecology


Our gynecologists work together as a team and guide and inform you so you’re able to make the best decision for yourself.

Featured Consultants

Dr Rajesh Khanna

Senior Consultant, Urology

Dr Nivedita Pandey

Dr. Nivedita (1)

Consultant, Gastroenterology

Dr Payal Chaudhary

Dr. Payal 2

Consultant Obstetrician – Gynecologist

New Developments

FB - Urogyne-launch
FB - Peds Launch event (1)

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Find a Doctor
Visit our Doctors Directory to view profiles of our consultants, their OPD timings and consultation fees.
Doctor's Directory
A 12% Cesarean Rate!
In 2016, our team achieved one of the lowest c-section rates in Delhi for low-risk, first-birth moms.
Check out our cesarean rates
Download Lab Reports
Reports for all samples collected before 1:30 pm will be available online after 6:00 pm the same day.
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